Original Source: Alaska Journal of Commerce by Ricky Gease

In response to the historic sport and commercial fishery closures during 2012, justified by the smallest return of Kenai kings ever observed, the Alaska Board of Fisheries will consider changes in the management of Kenai kings at the upcoming Statewide Finfish meeting in Anchorage March 19 – 24.

Three issues will be addressed:

1. The new Kenai king escapement goal;

2. What will be the basis to trigger management actions by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to reduce king salmon harvests; and;

3. How will the burden of conservation be shared between the sport and commercial set net fisheries.

With ADFG’s 2013 forecast of 24,000 to 29,000 Kenai kings (making it the lowest or second lowest projected return on record), it is imperative that the board act in a manner that balances the best means of attaining the escapement goal with the best mix of fishing opportunity during times of low king salmon abundance.

The escapement goal: After a decade of stock assessment challenges for Kenai kings, ADFG has recommended a new escapement goal of 15,000 to 30,000 that is significantly lower than the old goal and brings with it a list of uncertainties. As noted by Department staff, there are at least three aspects of their analysis and recommendation that argue for cautious application of this new goal.

Ricky Gease is the executive director of Kenai River Sportfishing Association. 

Due to copyright law, the Alaska Salmon Alliance cannot repost full articles. You can read the rest of this editorial here.

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