Fish News
Governor Dunleavy Appoints Alaskans to the Board of Fisheries and Board of Game
Monday, March 28, 2022 (Juneau) – Governor Mike Dunleavy today appointed four Alaskans to fill open seats on the Alaska Board of Game and the Alaska Board of Fisheries, and made one reappointment to the Board of Game.
read moreAlaska fishing resources be supported equally
We are Alaskans and fishing is an Alaska resource. It is time to recognize commercial and sport as one.
read moreAvailability Of Additional H-2B Visas Welcomed By Congressman Young And Sen. Murkowski
The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Labor announced 20,000 additional H-2B nonagriculture worker visas for the first half of fiscal year 2022.
read moreSeaShare Names E&E Foods 2020 Donor of the Year
Non-profit SeaShare named E&E Foods its 2020 Donor of the Year. Last year, the company donated 232,000 seafood servings to food banks and feeding centers.
read moreDunleavy Launches Yet Another Assault on Wild Alaskan Salmon
On January 15, the Dunleavy Administration welcomed-in 2021 with new proposed rules to strip Alaskans of our rights to keep water in our streams and lakes to protect our fish (see original post, below). Now, in response to strong public pushback, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has extended the public comment period until April 2, 2021 and issued a response to various questions presented about the proposed rules.
read moreASA Letter to City Council
I am writing on behalf of the Alaska Salmon Alliance (ASA) to request you join our effort to keep the historic salmon drift gill net fishery open in Cook Inlet. As hard as it might be to believe, the State of Alaska has recently submitted a proposal to do just that- close the historic salmon fishery in Cook Inlet in order to avoid following mandated best practices for managing salmon fisheries. This letter is to provide background on the issue and request your support to keep the historic salmon fishery healthy for the benefit of our local industry and our communities.
read moreUnited Cook Inlet Drift Association | Update on status of North Pacific Fishery Council decision made on December 7, 2020
The UCIDA office team, Board members, retired ADFG staff, UCIDA and CIFF members and many other volunteers have been working hard over the past 4 years to convince the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council (NPFMC or Council) to carry out the instructions from the Ninth Circuit Court to develop a Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for the Cook Inlet salmon fishery “throughout its range.” The Ninth Circuit Court order was clear that the Council and NMFS must produce an FMP for the entire fishery in Cook Inlet. In the Magnuson-Stevens Act, “fishery” is defined as:
read moreAlaska’s Congressional Delegation Helps Pass Act Aiding Next Generation Of Fishermen
The Young Fisherman’s Act made its way through Congress over the weekend. The legislation’s aim is to create a national grant program that supports training, education, and workforce development in the commercial fishing industry.
read moreMurkowski Statement on NPFMC Closing EEZ Waters to Commercial Fishing in Cook Inlet
Following the announcement that the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council (NPFMC) has decided to close all Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters to commercial fishing in the Cook Inlet, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) issued the following statement: “I am disappointed by the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council’s decision to close federal waters in Cook Inlet to commercial fishing, but I am also very concerned about the prospect of federal management over resources that have been, and should be, managed by the State of Alaska.
read moreCook Inlet Fishermen, Communities Call New Alternative Salmon Plan “Appalling”, “Ludicrous”
Cook Inlet salmon management is tough enough, with several user groups lobbying for a bigger piece of the annual pie, but added to the challenge is its location. Cook Inlet is at the center of the state's largest population density and, unlike other salmon areas in Alaska, accessible by road for more than 60% of Alaska's population. The area has been ground zero for the 'recreational vs commercial' battle for generations.
read moreBoard of Directors
Norm Darch, Executive Director
Mike Simpson, E&E Foods, VP of Alaska Operations (President)
Erik Huebsch, Kasilof Drift boat owner (Vice-President)
Janet Carroll, OBI Foods (Board Member)
Joseph Person, Setnet Fisherman (Board Member)
Richard King, Rogue Wave Processing (Board Member)
Robert Nathanson, OBI Foods (Alternate Member)
Ryan Doktor, E&E Foods, Plant manager (Alternate Member)
The Economic Value of Alaska's Seafood Industry
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) is a public-private partnership between the State of Alaska and the Alaska seafood industry established to foster economic development of the state’s most valuable renewable natural resource.
Contact Information
Email: aksalmonalliance@gmail.com
Mail: PO Box 586, Kenai, AK 99611
Kenai Office
110 N. Willow St. #108
Kenai AK 99611
Phone: (907)395-7068