Solution Needed for Cook Inlet Salmon

The Anchorage/ MatSu region is the major population center in Alaska and the fastest growing in Alaska. Cook Inlet, an integral part of the region, separates two of Alaska's major river systems, the Kenai River watershed, on the Kenai Peninsula and the Susitna River watershed, adjacent to Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley.

Northern District fishermen also looking for solutions

Original Source: BY MOLLY DISCHNER, ALASKA JOURNAL OF COMMERCE  Upper Cook Inlet fishermen aren’t the only ones concerned for their future. In the Northern District, managers and users are worried about the increasing number of stocks of concern — and how those stocks...

Board tackles thorny Cook Inlet issues at statewide meeting

Original Source: BY MOLLY DISCHNER, ALASKA JOURNAL OF COMMERCE What to do when the Kenai River late-run king salmon may not meet escapement is up for discussion in Anchorage, in hopes that users and managers can find a solution before the start of the 2013 fishery....