Author questions sport group’s use of food security study

The Kenai River Sportfishing Association has used elements of a recently released study about food security on the Kenai Peninsula to assert that commercial fishing should be curtailed in favor of sport and personal-use fishing.

Not so fast, according to the one of the authors of the study, Philip Loring.

Cook Inlet’s Commercial Fisheries

Summer is almost here and there is a very obvious tension on the Kenai Peninsula related to the role of salmon in local communities and how to qualify what that role is among different user groups.

Yes, we eat a lot of fish here and the availability of salmon to anglers is important. Salmon is a fabulous source of food, superb nutritional value. Everyone should eat it. However, to suggest that it is a real subsistence product for anglers is questionable.

Cook Inlet commercial salmon worth $350M in 2011

BY MOLLY DISCHNER, ALASKA JOURNAL OF COMMERCE How much is the salmon coming out of Cook Inlet worth? According to a recent report produced for the Alaska Salmon Alliance, the fishery had a $54 million ex-vessel, or dockside, value in 2011, and $102 million in direct...