Kenai kings need more spawning protection

Posted: November 24, 2013 – 10:31am  |  Updated: November 25, 2013 – 1:08pm By Dwight Kramer In recent years we have seen a troubling pattern of near record low returns of both early and late run Kenai River chinook salmon. We believe the declines in...

Mat-Su Salmon Symposium Wrapup

The 6th annual Mat-Su Salmon Symposium was another great success thanks to the dedication, input and perspectives of many. This year’s theme was healthy salmon, healthy communities with Keynote speaker David Batker, Co-founder, Executive Director and Chief Economist...

AJOC EDITORIAL: Legal, historic harvest is not bycatch

By Andrew Jensen, Managing editor “Words have meaning, and names have power.” The word of the day is bycatch, and those who would use it against Cook Inlet setnetters well understand the power of words. The quote is attributable to Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, the...

Mat-Su Borough approves salmon protections for culverts

By MOLLY DISCHNER, ALASKA JOURNAL OF COMMERCE As fishing organizations throughout Southcentral gear up for the contentious Cook Inlet fisheries meetings this winter, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough has taken its own action toward improving fish runs. In August, the...