Personal Use

Personal use fishing in Cook Inlet waters is open to all Alaskan residents and is accessible by boat or by shore in several designated areas.  One of the most popular fishing areas is the mouth and first few river miles of the Kenai River, and the mouth of the Kasilof River.  These fisheries attract tens of thousands of Alaskans each year, with an annual sockeye harvest of over 500,000 fish since 2011.  Harvesters are required to use a long-handled net, commonly referred to as a dipnet (thus giving the personal use fishery the name “dipnet” fishery), and must have a harvest card that they fill out and submit after the season has closed.

You can learn more about personal use fishing on the Kenai and other rivers at the following links:

Recent News

Board of Directors

Norm Darch, Executive Director
Mike SimpsonE&E Foods, VP of Alaska Operations (President)
Erik Huebsch, Kasilof Drift boat owner (Vice-President)
Janet Carroll, OBI Foods (Board Member)
Joseph Person, Setnet Fisherman (Board Member)
Richard King, Rogue Wave Processing (Board Member)
Robert Nathanson, OBI Foods (Alternate Member)
Ryan Doktor, E&E Foods, Plant manager (Alternate Member)


The Economic Value of Alaska's Seafood Industry

The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) is a public-private partnership between the State of Alaska and the Alaska seafood industry established to foster economic development of the state’s most valuable renewable natural resource.

Contact Information


Mail: PO Box 586, Kenai, AK 99611

Kenai Office
110 N. Willow St. #108
Kenai AK 99611

Phone: (907)395-7068

Contact ASA

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Cook Inlet Location