Economic Reports
This page provides a range of economic reports detailing various economic facets of Cook Inlet and Alaskan fisheries.
Because we wish to provide a wide breadth of information, we sometimes provide links and documents that may conflict or present only one perspective on an issue. Because of that, we feel it is important to note that none of the content provided on our website necessarily represents the views or opinions of the Alaska Salmon Alliance, excepting, of course, those articles authored by us.
- 2020 ASMI Economic Impacts Report (4355 downloads ) ,January, 2020. Prepared by the McDowell Group for the Alaska Salmon Marketing Institute.
- The Economic Value of Alaska’s Seafood Industry (858 downloads ) , December, 2015. Prepared by the McDowell Group for the Alaska Salmon Marketing Institute.
- Analysis of State Revenue from Fisheries; Upper Cook Inlet, 2014 (832 downloads ) , A retrospective analysis of options for increasing revenue returns on UCI salmon based on data from the 2014 salmon season, UCIDA, December, 2015.
- The Economic Impact of the Seafood Industry in Southcentral Alaska (764 downloads ) , June, 2015. Prepared by the McDowell Group for the Alaska Salmon Alliance. Overview of the McDowell Group Economic Study
- Alaska Seafood Impact Report (1700 downloads ) provides a detailed overview of the economic value of Alaska’s seafood industry, prepared by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
Alaska Salmon Alliance Economic Report, June, 2013 (931 downloads )
Executive Summary of the Alaska Salmon Alliance Economic Report
The Alaska Salmon Alliance commissioned an economic report, prepared by Northern Economics, to examine the economic contributions of Cook Inlet salmon fisheries. These links provide an executive summary of that report, as well as the full report. -
Comparison of Recent Sport and Commercial Fisheries Economic Studies (764 downloads )
– A Presentation by Dr. Gunnar Knapp, UAA (2009)
In this report, Dr. Knapp compares Economic Impacts and Contributions of Sportfishing in Alaska(2007), compiled for ADF&G, and The Seafood Industry in Alaska’s Economy (2009), compiled for The Marine Conservation Alliance, At-Sea Processors Association, and then Pacific Seafood Processors Association. -
Kenai River Sportfishing Association’s Economic Report (748 downloads )
– Economic Values of Sport, Personal Use and Commercial Salmon Fishing in Upper Cook Inlet.
A perspective on the values of various fishing groups from the Kenai River Sportfishing Association. -
Alaska Department of Fish and Game – An Economic Survey of the Cook Inlet Salmon Fishery (1970) (869 downloads )
An interesting historical look at the economic state of the Cook Inlet salmon fishery in the late 60’s.
Recent News
Governor Dunleavy Appoints Alaskans to the Board of Fisheries and Board of Game
Monday, March 28, 2022 (Juneau) – Governor Mike Dunleavy today appointed four Alaskans to fill open seats on the Alaska Board of Game and the Alaska Board of Fisheries, and made one reappointment to the Board of Game.
Alaska fishing resources be supported equally
We are Alaskans and fishing is an Alaska resource. It is time to recognize commercial and sport as one.
Availability Of Additional H-2B Visas Welcomed By Congressman Young And Sen. Murkowski
The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Labor announced 20,000 additional H-2B nonagriculture worker visas for the first half of fiscal year 2022.
Board of Directors
Norm Darch, Executive Director
Mike Simpson, E&E Foods, VP of Alaska Operations (President)
Erik Huebsch, Kasilof Drift boat owner (Vice-President)
Janet Carroll, OBI Foods (Board Member)
Joseph Person, Setnet Fisherman (Board Member)
Richard King, Rogue Wave Processing (Board Member)
Robert Nathanson, OBI Foods (Alternate Member)
Ryan Doktor, E&E Foods, Plant manager (Alternate Member)
The Economic Value of Alaska's Seafood Industry
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) is a public-private partnership between the State of Alaska and the Alaska seafood industry established to foster economic development of the state’s most valuable renewable natural resource.
Contact Information
Email: aksalmonalliance@gmail.com
Mail: PO Box 586, Kenai, AK 99611
Kenai Office
110 N. Willow St. #108
Kenai AK 99611
Phone: (907)395-7068